Silver State Hospice Care knows that end-of-life is a sacred, yet challenging time for patients, family and friends. Navigating the medical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the final stages of a terminal illness or other condition that leads to this ultimate transition are undoubtedly challenging Silver State Hospice Care is here to make this time the most comfortable as possible for patients and their surviving family members, caretakers and friends. 

Services are covered by:

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • All types of Health Insurance
  • Licensed by the Nevada Department of Health
  • Member of the Nevada Hospice and Palliative Care Association

Silver State Hospice Care understands how important it is to be surrounded by family, friends and remain in familiar surroundings for as long as possible during the end-of-life.  We understand that families of different cultures have different rituals around death and dying and we are sensitive to such distinct personal needs.

Our Values

Every family enjoys its own unique dynamic and approaches end-of-life in their own personal way. We share in the sacredness of life, the respect for dignity and understand that not only patients, but their families, must come first.

At Silver State Hospice Care, we are dedicated to go above and beyond what is typically expected to provide the highest medical and spiritual care at this last leg of life’s journey. We treat each patient as if he or she were our own family member, providing the utmost of care, comfort and compassion

Our Goals

Our mission at Silver State Hospice Care is to value human life to its sacred last moments. We provide the highest standard of medical care and compassionate service to ensure that each patient in our care reaches the end-of-life in comfort and dignity, warmly surrounded by love and treated with the utmost of kindness